Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Imprisoned Promises

I watched Obama on that screen, heart swelling with happiness when he announced the closing down of the torture chamber better known as Guantanamo Bay.


Yes! The change we were looking for.  Way to break free of the previous 8 years of complete and utter uselessness! Way to show the world that you are ABLE and WILLLING to restore America's image.  Good job, O!


Then there's all this talk about Senate pulling funding for the closing, and that the U.S. President is left with, ultimately, 3 choices:

1) veto

2) fundraise for alternate funds

3) go along with the decision to just kind of, put off the prison - closing -issue- thing.


What in the world happened?  This may not seem like such a big deal in retrospect, but, it reinforced some old feelings I once had about Presidents being Puppets.  You are the face of America, you say pretty things, you make us smile and applaud (sometimes, if your act is good enough).  But essentially you are being pulled and played by "others" - others of higher position.  The 'REAL' decision makers.


O, don't tell me you're like that, please.  


As President of a DEMOCRACY you uphold your right and RESPONSIBILTY to do what you promise.  The closing down of this prison is symbolic.  It has many levels of meaning - it is saying "no" to torture, "no" to evil hypocritical ways, "no" to American ruthlessness and "yes" to progression, to humanity.  Some of those prisoners were brutes, yes.  But you cannot be a nation that condemns inhumane treatment of human beings, a nation that denounces undemocratic approaches to justice, and then turn around and build a torture chamber on an island where prisoners (Some of who are indeed, innocent) know no justice and undergo unheard of techniques (water boarding and such) in an attempt to hear them suffer.  That is not what you preach.


Relations with the East (especially the Arab world) are vital right now, O.  Keep to your word, uphold your promises. You are the President of change - that's what you told us all.  


Alwazir101 said...

"The Obama Deception".. You should really look that up on youtube. Certain things maybe exaggerated but the overall message is right on point.

Unknown said...

The prison will close down sooner than later. The biggest hurdle is what to do with the prisoners. Italy just announced that it would accept some, as did many other nations. Once we figure out where to put them than the Gitmo will be no more.

And about "The Obama Deception"..If you look at the people who made the movie, who just happened to be some people who helped to Swift Boat John Kerry in 04. The theory that US Presidents are puppets have been around way before Obama got elected,more like when George Washington was elected. Just dont believe the Hype.

Noon, The Global Wanderer said...

True, Idris. The undisputed fact is that presidents are in an extremely tough position REGARDLESS of which country they preside over.
I haven't gotten a chance to take a look at the Deception video. I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories but I will give it a look-see.
Presidents as puppets is a notion, lie you said Idris, that has been around long long before. My point is that when it comes to presidency one thing that cannot be ignored is politics. We as people are quick to swallow up rose-colored words. Words are the biggest political carrot and stick routine.