Wednesday, March 4, 2009

And the arrest goes to...

It feels strange to have my President arrested. It's not that I feel he is completely innocent and the indictment was in the wrong. No. And it's not because I feel overjoyed with a sense of triumph and looming victory for the people of Sudan.
I must say, I am a little - on edge.
The ICC made its decision. An arrest was made for President Omar Al Bashir on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur. No mention of genocide.
Side note: wasn't that why Moreno-Ocampo brought this thing up in the first place?
Anywho. So the charges were made. Al-Bashir, naturally dismissed them. I actually heard around that he may have said something along the lines of: Take that warrant, immerse it in water and drink it? I don't know. I laugh because it's just so Sudanese.
There are a few things I want to explore here. First off, one thing and only ONE thing is important and cannot be overlooked. The good of the country, of our people. This ruling, is not in the good. The Sudanese people are a patriotic bunch. Regardless of their personal view of their leader, the thought of having an international body dictate the fate of one of their own is, for the most part, not going to fly.
Side note: Deja vu...Iraq?
As I digress. Sudan needs stability. They need justice. They need independence. They need direction. Granted there is a lot going on, Darfur (among other regions in Sudan that have long been overlooked), is an issue one cannot ignore. As I said earlier, President al-Bashir is responsible for the 300,000, as well as the thousands more in the South, Kordofan, and other regions in Sudan that are under siege in whatever capacity. You're President of ALL of Sudan, not just one part, therefore you're responsible.
Which brings me to point number 2. The ICC. *Sigh* Their role in this situation is not benefiting very many people. Okay, let's say the President steps down. Then what? I don't think they are grasping the full gravity of this situation - if he leaves there will be UTTER AND COMPLETE chaos in this country. The people cannot and will not survive this.
Side note: If the ICC's prime objective is to "help end impunity for the perpetrators of the most serious crimes of concern to the international community," why have we not heard of ICC putting their foot down with Iraq? Guantanamo? PALESTINE?! Crimes were happening a-plenty there. Believe me.

Now, you're not going to catch me with an I heart al-Bashir shirt anytime soon, BUT I have to say that this is big problem, a big SUDANESE problem. Call me overly optimistic or naive, but this is something the international community needs to back up off of. And something the Sudanese government needs to take care of. ASAP.


Unknown said...

That is my nooony
From mama sorry not very professional i can't help it !!

Unknown said...

Let's start with saying I appreciate so much what you writes and hope you all the best.
The ICC issue is so much relevant and your comments are very much to the point.The Sudanese people, including their political parties are very much in disarray and very emotional about this issue and I gathered, because this is the first time to face such a dilemma since the Gordon Basha times. The reality on the ground is, the NCP is facing a big challenge of facing justice and keeping the power which is to a great extend is an impossibility. The course of action espoused by the NCP is bound to fragment the country and the Sudan, as we know it, will be no more.
I will write to you in great details about what that means.
Yours, sincerely

Moayad Baba said...
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Moayad Baba said...

Hey Noon,
Good to see you back in business. The ICC ruling has done nothing but unite the people of Sudan. I don't agree with the interference of foreign powers in the Sudanese internal affairs, but I understand that it is going to happen one day or another. The thing that bothers me and bothers most of the people complaining about the arrest warrant, is that it comes at such a critical time. The peace negotiations going on right now with JEM in Doha will be obsolete if Al Bashir is to be arrested. The second thing is the fragility of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.

The political powers in Sudan have never been so united. I mean to have al Umma, the Democratic Unionist Party, and the Communist Party agreeing with the NCP on something....that's just amazing.

I personally think that the ICC indictment means nothing, it is only a propaganda tool used to defer attention from the Zionist Entity's atrocities in east Jerusalem.